The T4 Eurovan comes with different strut options for the rear hatch. The internal pressure of the strut determines which weight it can carry. There is a 3 digit number followed by the letter N (Newton) to indicate the strength of the strut. Please check before you order. If in doubt please call us. They are sold as single items.
Struts for the early T4 Eurovans may have a slightly shorter length. Usually these are the struts with 730N or 830N. There was a change during the 93 model year and all struts from then on have the same length.
Ideally the struts are matched with the equipment of your van. If you carry a bike rack you may consider a strut which is stronger than the original ones. We will gradually add more choices.
Part Numbers: 701829331G, 701829331J, 7D0829331D, 7D0829331G